Pursuing relational healing through life’s peaks and valleys.

Sometimes challenges in life result in damaged relationships. Through Central Cares, you’ll find a variety of resources that can help with anxiety, depression, addictions, trauma, shame, guilt, marriage, divorce, hospitalization, and grief. In whatever situation you’re facing, you are not alone. Central Cares is here to help you through all life’s peaks and valleys.


Experience a time of community, worship, and support. Choose from a variety of support groups, marriage, family, and recovery. Here you will find practical tools designed to help you navigate life’s challenges and find help, hope, and healing. Cares Night at Central meets Tuesday at 6 PM starting February 7 at the Mesa Campus. Childcare is available.
To register click on the group of your choice.

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Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. At the core of the Celebrate Recovery experience are the 12-steps and their biblical comparisons.

If you have any questions or want more information, please email Don Wodash at celebrate.recovery@centralaz.com.

Find A Celebrate Recovery Group Near You:
Click Here


Parents of Addicted Loved Ones is a Christian based support group of parents helping parents. We meet every week to offer education and support, at no cost, for parents who are dealing with a child battling addiction. PAL can also help spouses who have a partner with addiction issues. PAL is especially helpful for parents and spouses; however, all other sober family members and friends (18 years or older) are welcome at our meetings.

There are two parts to our PAL meetings: There is an educational component and an opportunity to share about your current experiences. We believe everyone experiences this journey at their own pace, we value confidentiality, and strive to be non-judgmental while offering suggestions. We believe in the power of prayer, and it is our desire, that by attending our meetings, you will learn proven ways to help your loved one, and ultimately learn to find joy in your own life, regardless of the choices of your loved ones.

PAL meets weekly on Mondays, from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM. The meetings will alternate every other week between in person and online. The in person meetings will occur on the Mesa Campus, in the SM appreciation room. No registration necessary Please contact Michelle Regier, michelle@rhometeamaz.com, with any questions.

DivorceCare’s life-changing support groups welcome people and guide them on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. Over 1 million people have found comfort and hope through this 13-week, video-based series. Don’t try to go through separation or divorce alone.

Connect with a DivorceCare group either in person or online. You’ll find caring people who understand the issues you face and practical counsel for decision-making and managing stress.

Find A Divorce Care Group Near You:
Click Here


Hope Keepers is designed to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of someone who lives with chronic illness or pain. Our Hope Keepers is done in a care group format that serves as a support group that gives you the opportunity to grow spiritually, while being surrounded by others who share similar circumstances. We will help you through the struggles a disability can bring and finding the joys while living with a chronic illness or pain.

When: In person from 10am-12pm every Wednesday. For those who are unable to meet in person you can join by Google Duo from 10:30am-12pm every Wednesday.
Location: Mesa Campus, New Life Center Building, Room 153/154
Cost: N/A
Info: Our group is a fragrance-free environment. We encourage our able-bodied friends to come and serve. No registration necessary. If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Judy Reilley at (480) 204-2273 or email judyreilley@gmail.com.



Central Groups

God didn’t create us to do life alone – He created us for community and that’s more important now than ever! See what Central Groups offers to help you find the community you need.

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